Optimising the receipt of consumables and prosthesis deliveries for a dental practice using Connected Parcel Boxes Boks

Optimisation de la réception des consommables et livraisons de prothèses pour un cabinet dentaire grâce aux boîtes à colis connectées Boks


Dental practices, like many healthcare facilities, rely heavily on the timely and secure delivery of consumables, specialized equipment, and dentures. A dentist, keen to improve the operational efficiency of his practice while ensuring the security and traceability of delivered items, identified the need for a package receiving solution that could accommodate his often unpredictable schedule.

Solution : Installation of a Connected Parcel Box Boks at the Dental Office

To meet this requirement, the dental practice chose to install a Connected Parcel Box Boks at the entrance to the practice. This solution makes it possible to safely receive dental consumables, small pieces of equipment, and prostheses sent by prosthesis laboratories, without requiring the physical presence of the dentist or his staff.

Key benefits

  • Secure receipt of deliveries: Packages, including customized dentures and consumables, are securely stored until the dentist or their staff collects them, reducing the risk of theft or damage.

  • 24/7 availability: Deliveries can be made at any time, providing maximum flexibility for suppliers and prosthetic laboratories, and ensuring the practice is never short of essential supplies.

  • Traceability and delivery tracking: With real-time notifications and access history, the dentist can easily track who delivered what and when, improving inventory management and treatment planning.

  • Optimization of Time and Organization: By eliminating the need to interrupt consultations to receive deliveries, the dentist and their staff can fully concentrate on patient care, improving efficiency and quality of service.


The adoption of the Connected Parcel Box Boks by the dental practice has considerably improved the logistics of receiving parcels. This solution not only solved the security and traceability issues of deliveries but also optimized the use of time and resources within the practice. By ensuring smooth management of consumables and prosthesis deliveries, the dentist can guarantee the continuity of quality care for his patients, while reducing operational constraints. This use case illustrates how a simple technological innovation can have a profound impact on the efficiency and safety of professional practices in the healthcare field. 

The typical configuration

  • A Boks ONE
  • A permanent code or NFC boksTAG badge shared with prosthetists
  • A permanent code for deliveries of GACD consumables
  • Single-use codes for on-time deliveries
  • All members of the firm can collect packages via an assigned permanent code, a name badge or the mobile application